Online Dating Apps
Image by Mika Baumeister
As of 2022, over 70 million people use dating apps or websites, and the list is constantly growing. One of the best things about online dating is how much it can simplify the process of meeting someone. What was once an unnerving process of going out with intentions of meeting someone new can now be replaced by an array of potential matches on a dating site. Some may compare it to arranged marriages, where a matchmaker presents their client with a list of options, but online dating is different. For one, you’re not committing to marriage by swiping right. Another great feature of online dating is that you can always say “No.” If you don’t like how a conversation with a match is going, you’re free to politely end it and unmatch with them without ever having to meet in person.
How it works
All online dating sites and apps work in relatively the same way. You create a profile for yourself on the site, input your likes, dislikes, interests, age, and some facts about yourself, and the site uses an algorithm to match you with other users. The type of algorithm and matching system varies. Tinder matches people in part based on their geographical locations and how frequently they use the app. The more you swipe on Tinder, the more data the site collects about you to feed its matching algorithm. eHarmony, an early innovator in the online dating world, uses a more in-depth approach, asking users to answer a number of questions when creating their profile. These questions cover six categories, and all come into play when eHarmony matches its users.
Regardless of the algorithm that matches users, choosing a dating site depends on personal preference. If you’re open to it, try using a couple of different ones and see which works best. You can also explore the different features of each site. Some might be completely free, while others offer a paid “premium” subscription with more options. It’s all about personal preference and doing what works best for you.
The Facts
The team at Media Smart Citizens compared key features of the top online dating apps to help you get started.
Image by Good Faces Agency
Helpful tips
Safety is paramount when using online dating apps. Never do anything you’re uncomfortable with, and be sure to tell a friend what you’re doing and where you’re going before you meet one of your matches in person for the first time. You should also verify the profile and identity of the person you’re meeting. Cyberscams are a very real danger. When using online dating sites, follow the community guidelines. If you violate them, you risk being banned from the site and could even face legal consequences.
Written by: Media Smart Citizens Content Creator Miranda Gilbert